How You Can Help to Advance Care for Veterans: Participate or Donate
Why Help?
Although the number of Veterans is decreasing for now, their needs are increasing because of special factors such as:
Aging Veterans suffer from a number of diseases at rates much higher than the general population.
Younger Veterans returned from Iraq and Afghanistan with complex combat-related injuries.
Women Veterans, who have increased in number more recently, have unique health care challenges.

Participate in VA Research

A VA physician (left) conducting research with a volunteer parti-cipant. Here, acupuncture of the ear is being tested as a way to relieve pain.
Taking Part in VA Research
Because VA research is focused on health conditions that Veterans experience, Veterans are the usual participants in VA research. Non-Veterans with the same health conditions as Veterans, however, such as stroke or brain injuries, can also participate in some VA studies, and that can be one way to thank Veterans for their service.
See more information about taking part in VA Research at these VA web pages:
Find a Study Recruiting Participants
Veterans Only: Sometimes a VA provider may ask if you are interested in participating in a particular research project related to your health condition OR you can ask your provider if there is study you would be eligible to take part in.
Veterans and Non-Veterans
NFFRE Clinical Trials Coordinator: To ask about studies in the North Florida/South Georgia area, call 352-548-7707.
- Full instructions on how to search for open studies at are available at this VA web page and at itself.
Advertisements and Flyers: Researchers looking for participants often advertise in newspapers and post flyers within VA Medical Centers and at other locations around the community.
Explore VA Research
VA research benefits the general public as well as Veterans. See this time line of medical advances made by VA researchers, including Nobel Prize winners, and other information at these websites:
Leslie Gonzalez-Rothi, PhD: Starting as a speech therapist, Dr. Gonzalez-Rothi went on to found the Brain Rehabilitation Research Center here at Malcom Randall VAMC.
Research Currents: National publication with stories about VA research findings.
Research Topics: See a list of key areas being studied by VA researchers.
PubMed: At this website, you can browse a list of studies done by researchers of the North Florida/ South Georgia Veterans Health System.
About Veterans and VA Research
For more than 95 years, the VA has supported discovery and innovation through research as an important means of advancing health care and the quality of life of Veterans and, thus, of all Americans. Indeed, many Veterans themselves have become VA researchers, and you can read stories about them at this web page, including Dr. Kenneth Heilman, a pioneer in neurology at the Malcom Randall VA.
The following links also provide more information on Veteran health and the VA:
When you donate to NFFRE, 100% of your donation, large or small, is paid forward in the form of support for VA research or education to advance Veteran care.
Pay it forward: 100% of NFFRE donations are used for VA research because NFFRE is a nonprofit organization designated as tax-exempt under Section 501(c) 3 by the Internal Revenue Service.
Tax deductible: Your donation benefits you because it is tax-deductible. Our tax ID is #59 3432918.
NFFRE is legally separate from but a legal affiliate of the North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System and submits annual reports to the Department of Veterans Affairs and to the U.S. Congress. NFFRE, along with other VA-affiliated non-profit corporations across the country, bring more than $250 million a year to the VA research program.
Is Donating to NFFRE Right for You?
Are you looking for a good cause to support?
Do you agree with the promise President Lincoln made in 1865 to our Veterans “to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan”?
Do you have a family member who served or serves in the military?
Is there a health condition you have that Veterans also suffer from? See VA Research Priorities
Type of Donation
Unrestricted Donations: These become general funds used at the discretion of the NFFRE Board of Directors to enhance research and education, for example, by supporting shared resources, acquiring shared equipment, providing travel and educational opportunities for researchers, and allocating resources to provide pilot funding to help investigators pursue new ideas and acquire preliminary data to support proposals for major research funding. See this list of VA priorities. Research Topics (
Designated Donation: If you wish to designate your donation to a particular area of focus, please tell us.
How to Donate

via Pay Pal
The easiest, and most immediate way to donate is to make a PayPal donation. Because NFFRE is registered as a charity with PayPal, we benefit from reduced transaction fees to maximize the value of your donation. The PayPal mechanism generates an automated confirmation email for you, but also, within 2 weeks of your donation, NFFRE will send you a receipt for tax IRS purposes.
Check By Mail or In-Person
Make check payable to North Florida Foundation for Education and Research, Inc. (NFFRE).
Mailing address
North Florida/South Georgia VHS
North Florida Foundation for Research and Education
c/o Teresa A. Smith
E578-1; MC 151
1601 SW Archer Road
Gainesville FL 32608
Electronic Fund Transfer: Contact Angie Smith for Automated Clearing House (ACH) information: or 352-548-6448.
Donate as a Gift/In Honor of/In Memory of
We welcome these types of donations. If you wish to make it known to the person you are remembering or honoring or to the family member of that person:
Provide complete addressee and mailing address information
Tell us if you want us to include the amount of your donation in the notification.
Thank you