VA Research: Open Studies Seeking Participants
About Participating in VA Research
VA Research studies often enroll both Veterans and non-Veteran participants.
Studies listed here have been approved by the local committee responsible for assuring that risks to study participants are minimized and their rights are protected. Click here for related information.
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Where? These studies are based in Gainesville, Florida, unless otherwise noted.
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Purpose – To understand whether a traumatic brain injury (TBI) earlier in life (at least 15 years ago) can affect current abilities. For comparison, we are also recruiting people who have never had a TBI. There will be a single visit to our research site in addition to study assessments that can be completed by you at home via online and telephone surveys.
What the Study Involves
• Questionnaires and surveys about your health
• Tests of cognitive function, balance, and eye-muscle coordination
• Imaging of bone and muscle
You May Qualify to Take Part If You . . .
• Are 50-65 years of age
• Had one or more TBIs 15 or more years ago OR Never had a TBI
• Have no serious medical condition
• Have no other illness or injury to your central nervous system.

Conducted under the direction of John Williamson, PhD | VA Brain Rehabilitation Research Center| IRB2021021963
Purpose – To understand traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its long-term effects to see if TBI contributes to developing Alzheimer’s disease (AD) or other dementia. The information from this study may be useful in creating a tool to screen persons with TBI for AD or other dementia..
What the Study Involves:
2-3 visits; questionnaires and cognitive testing
Blood draw, saliva sample, and a brain scan using MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
Participants will receive monetary compensation and a Fitbit device.
You May Qualify to Take Part If You…:
Are between the ages of 65 and 90 years old.
Have a history of a mild concussion within the past 3 months.
Have not been diagnosed with any other neurological illness.
Title – Innovative Multimodal and Attention Training to Improve Emotion Communication in Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and PTSD
Purpose – To investigate a treatment for difficulties with emotional communication through tone of voice or facial expression in both expressing emotion and understanding other people’s emotions.
What the Study Involves
Testing: Computerized and paper and pencil tests of thinking skills done before therapy starts, immediately after it is done, and 3 months after therapy is completed.
Study Intervention: Listening to an audio and video performance and then reporting on the emotion(s) expressed during the performances. Then being asked to express emotions with the face and to read sentences with different emotional tones of voice while being recorded.

How people show emotions on their faces or have emotion in their voices can have a large impact on how they are understood. (Photo with color added licensed under CC BY-SA-NC.)
You May Qualify to Take Part If You…
Are a Veteran.
Have a history of a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury.
Have no history of a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury.
More Info – Dr. Julia Kay Waid-Ebbs:
Phone: 1-800-324-8387 Or 352-376-1611; ext 105224 for both numbers.
Title: Comparing the Effectiveness of Telehealth to In-Person Delivery of Combined Metacognitive and Attention Training in Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury/PTSD
Purpose – Having both mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can decrease organizing and planning skills, which can have a substantial impact on ability to take care of many aspects of life from paying bills to remembering birthdays. This study will compare in-person and telehealth delivery of the same therapeutic interventions to see if either method is more effective.

More Info – Dr. Julia Kay Waid-Ebbs:
Phone: 1-800-324-8387 Or 352-376-1611; ext 105224 for both numbers.

What the Study Involves
2 weekly therapy sessions over 10-weeks involving Goal Management Training (GMT) plus attention training.
Completing computerized and paper pencil tests of thinking skills over 15 months at the following times: before therapy starts, right after it iscompleted, and at 6 months and then 1 year afterwards.
A friend or family member will also be asked to complete a questionnaire
about your ability to perform everyday activities.
You May Qualify to Take Part If You… Have been diagnosed with a concussion or mild traumatic brain injury.
Brain Balance Study – Healthy persons are needed for comparison with persons who have traumatic brain injury. Click here for an overview of the study.
Emotion Communication and Mild TBI and PTSD – Healthy older adults are needed to study training techniques to improve communication. Click here for an overview of the study.