NFFRE News and Info
ReCurrent Info. Key words highlighted for easy reference.
Online Ad for Participant Recruitment: This form describes the process for creating and requesting an online ad. Once approved, ads are posted on this page of the NFFRE website.
Collaborating as a Co-PI or Co-Investigator – NFFRE Subaward Required: Anytime a NF/SG investigator is recruited to be a Key Person on any extramural grant, there must be a subaward through NFFRE to address the use of VA resources. The most common way to address is by adding a NFFRE assistant to help with all pertinent VA regulatory issues.
Links to Grant Submission Info: To provide a one-stop source of grant information for investigators, on our Grant-Funded Research web page, go to the Links to Grant Agency Info section for a list of links that go directly to deadline and submission information for the most common grant organizations.
News Archive
NFFRE Staffer Wins Award for Excellence <> Paige Webb, former Operations Manager, earned the Best Practice and Innovation Award from the National Association of Veterans’ Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF). NAVREF awardees are nominated by their peers for demonstrating excellence in support of research and education for Veterans. Paige significantly reduced the time it takes for studies to begin with an improved system for meeting privacy and information security requirements.
The ACT Initiative <> According to a 2019 medical news report, the VA has signed on to a goal for the VA that was first advanced by the Coalition to Heal Invisible Wounds and NFFRE's parent association (the National Association of Veterans' Research and Education Foundation): To shorten the time it takes the VA to partner with research sponsors to enable sponsored research to start more quickly. This ACT Initiative will help build on the VA's impressive history of advancing care for Veterans, which often also improves care for the general public. Read more about the history of VA research here.
2019 NAVREF Awardee <> Teresa “Angie” Smith, MPH, NFFRE Executive Director, took home the Board of Directors Distinguished Service Award from the 2019 Annual Meeting of the National Association of Veterans’ Research and Education Foundations (NAVREF). She received this recognition for the turnaround success story she engineered at NFFRE .