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Research Service
North Florida/South Georgia Veterans Health System

VA Research Resources
aerial view of Malcom Randall VAMC and UF health complex

  For NFFRE policies and forms 

 for non-VA funding such as NIH, click here

Below are links to guidance documents and other infor-mation on conducting VA research, including links to the VA Office of Research & Development (ORD).  

If you find outdated or erroneous information or if you have suggestions for new content, please contact

Use CTRL + F to search for a link or document by key word.

Malcom Randall Veterans Affairs Medical Center (white buildings in foreground) is closely affiliated with the University of Florida health-related colleges and hospitals (red brick buildings).

University-VA Collaboration

ORD Policies and Guidance

Technology Transfer and Translation 

VA Employee Travel

Telework and Remote Access

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IRBNet (VAIRRS) Tutorials for Researchers

In addition to the information below, training on the use of IRBNet/VAIRRS

is also available at the following VA sharepoint site:

  • New User Registration:  PDF
  • User Profile and Training
    • Profile management:  PDF    Video
    • Training/credentials-Notes:  PDF
    • CITI link:  PDF
  • Accessing Projects
  • Creating a New Project Package
    • Step 1 - CREATE:  PDF   Video
    • Step 2 - DESIGN:   PDF   Video
    • Step 3 -  SHARE:   PDF   Video
    • Step 4 - SIGN:        PDF   Video​​
    • Step 5 - SUBMIT:    PDF   Video​​​
  • Locked and Unlocked Packages

    • Administrative Modifications-Notes:  PDF

    • Unlocked Packages:  PDF    Video

VA Research Newsletter Archive

The VA Research Newsletter was created to share good news and information about Research Service within the VA and with other partners.  


June: PDF

​July: PDF

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